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S-kin Muses - Hegia de Boer

S-kin Muses - Hegia de Boer

At S-kin, our inspiration comes from so many women around the world. Today's blog post is about Hegia de Boer, a blogger and architect living in the Netherlands, who inspires us with beautiful, well-shot images.

If you're on Instagram as much as I am, you might have seen Hegia's beautiful images floating around - she is truly a creative at heart, and I couldn't wait to interview her to find out what inspires her work. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Hegia, I'm a blogger and freelance interior architect based in the Netherlands. Apart from my titles, I enjoy cinematic photography, old movies, painting, and talking about poems.

When and how did you start blogging?

I started blogging in 2013, but it was more about my daily fun and personal stories. It got pretty popular back then but I decided to close the blog down because I felt that it got too personal and I am more of an introverted person. But I love writing and sharing stories nevertheless, so I came back blogging, sharing my travel diaries, fashion, and beauty tips!

What inspires your life and work at the moment?

I take my inspiration from everywhere. I love reading other people's stories, that gives me a bigger perspective about life. I also take myself on a so-called "the Artist Date", which means taking myself out on a date to art galleries, open market, book stores, etc. I see myself like a sponge, ready to absorb everything around me. 

Hegia loves our Chrissy hoops & Alessandra necklace | Read her blog post about S-kin Jewelries here

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I work from home so everyday is never the same. Sometimes I travel to meet my clients or suppliers. But I always start my day with a cup of coffee and journalling. It helps me keeping my productivity on track. However, working on my own can feel lonely sometimes, so I always make time to meet my friends for a glass of wine in late afternoon. 

What plans do you have for the future?

I am currently planning to create my own bag brand, it's still a long-term project but I'm excited about it! Apart from that, I'd love to travel more with my partner, maybe having a new addition to our little family, who knows ;)
Name 3 of your must haves or must dos on your list at the moment?

Planning our travel for this summer, probably to central Europe
Re-decorating our apartment to fit my current style
Keep creating and learning new things everyday.


Follow Hegia on Instagram & read her blog post on S-kin Studio Jewelry along with her take on sensitive skin jewelry.


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